PKO BP's supervisory board has dismissed six members of the bank's management board and delegated three board members to act as deputies on a temporary basis. The work of the board is to be headed by Szymon Midera at the same time, the bank said in a market filing. Maciej Brzozowski, Marcin Eckert, Pawel Gruza, Wojciech Iwanicki, Andrzej Kopyrski and Artur Kurcweil were dismissed from the management board of PKO BP.

The supervisory board also adopted a resolution on the open selection procedure for the position of chairman and the positions of deputies of the bank. In addition, the supervisory board delegated board members Szymon Mira to act as deputy on a temporary basis from February 15, 2024, with simultaneous assignment to lead the work of the board, Maciej Cieslukowski and Marek Radzikowski to act as deputies on a temporary basis from February 14, 2024.