Agrimin Limited provided an update on the Environmental Impact Assessment ("EIA") for the Mackay Potash Project. The Project is currently being assessed by the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority "EPA". The EIA is an accredited process under a bilateral agreement with the Commonwealth Government, and therefore will not require a separate assessment by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

The Company's Environmental Review Document for the Project was released by the EPA for public comment during May 2022. The Company has received comments from the EPA and is responding to them. The Company is also progressing the Project's other remaining key approvals, licences and agreements, which include: · · Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety ­ Miscellaneous Licences, Mining Lease, Mining Proposal and Mine Closure Plan approvals; Department of Water and Environmental Regulation ­ Works Approval and Licence; and · Agreement with Tjurabalan Native Title Lands (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC for the grant of Miscellaneous Licences over the proposed haul road.

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety ­ Miscellaneous Licences, Mining Lease, Mining Proposal and Mine Closure Plan approvals; · Department of Water and Environmental Regulation ­ Works Approval and Licence; and Agreement with Tjurabalan Native Title Lands (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC for the grant of Miscellaneous Licences over the proposed haul road.