Takamisawa Cybernetics Company, Ltd. (JASDAQ:6424) announces a share repurchase program. Under the program, the company will repurchase up to 200,000 shares, representing 2.22% of its outstanding shares for ¥60 million. The shares will be repurchased through the Tokyo Stock Exchange off-hours treasury share trading (ToSTNeT-3) method.

The shares are to be repurchased based on the closing stock price of ¥285 per share as on March 13, 2015. The purpose of the program is to enhance the capital efficiency and to enable the implementation of a flexible capital policy corresponding to the changes in the business environment. The shares will be repurchased as per the provision of articles of incorporation from the regulations of Article 165 Clause 2 of the Companies Act).

As of March 13, 2015, the company had 8,991,153 outstanding shares excluding treasury shares and 58,847 shares in treasury.