SNGN Romgaz SA reported the concluding of one new transaction with the affiliated party Electrocentrale Bucuresti S.A. The cumulated value of the new transaction with the transactions previously concluded with the aforementioned affiliated party, for a period of 12 months, exceeds both 5% of 2022 net assets value according to the latest financial reporting and also 10% of the 2022 net turnover. Date and nature of the transaction: Gas sale purchase Contract no PET18 from September 27, 2023. Transaction scope: Gas sale purchase (period November 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024). Value of transaction/addendum (VAT exclusive): RON 316,649,766.20. Total cumulated value of the Contract (VAT exclusive): RON 316,649,766.20. Terms/Payment
Methods: Advance payment; Due 30 days from monthly regularization invoice. Delay penalties of 0.10% per day. Conclusion of Contract no. PET18/September 27, 2023 was approved by S.N.G.N. Romgaz S.A. Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders by Resolution no. 14/October 25, 2023.