Orthocell Limited announced the appointment of Dr. Christopher Dy and Dr. David Brogan to its Medical and Scientific Advisory board. Professors Christopher Dy and David Brogan are orthopaedic surgeons, specializing in the treatment of nerve injuries, while also leading a comprehensive research program that is directly relevant to patients, clinicians, scientists, and policy-makers. Their translational research is focused on the epidemiologic, economic, and clinical analysis of peripheral and brachial plexus nerve injuries.

Professors Dy and Brogan are based at Washington University. Professor Dy is an internationally recognized orthopaedic surgeon specializing in the treatment of brachial plexus and peripheral nerve injuries (upper and lower limbs), using nerve transfers, nerve reconstructions, nerve decompressions and carpal and cubital tunnel release. Dr. Dy has published numerous peer reviewed research and clinical papers in top tier journals, in the areas of brachial plexus and peripheral nerve injuries.

Dr. Dy has received multiple awards for his contributions to research and advancing treatment of nerve injuries. Professor David Brogan is a multi-credentialled surgeon and health professional who specializes in treating conditions of the hand and upper extremity, including fractures, arthritis of the wrist, elbow and hand. He has a patient centric approach with special expertise in treating nerve injuries, including peripheral nerve injuries, compression neuropathies (carpal tunnel, peroneal nerve injury, brachial plexus injury), complex microsurgical reconstruction, and upper extremity trauma.

Dr. Brogan has received multiple awards for his contributions to research and advancing treatment of nerve injuries. The appointment of Professors Dy and Brogan to the MSAB will assist Orthocell in the design and implementation of the US-focused development strategy (pre-clinical and clinical) for the nerve repair regulatory and market access program. Their association with Orthocell will enable the Company to foster further collaborations, assist with interactions with the US FDA and to present data and product experiences in clinical and other settings in the US nerve repair market.