Metis Energy Limited announced that the cessation of Gao Daiying as Chief Technical Officer. Role And Responsibilities: Oversees all technical and operational activities of the Group's operating assets, including project execution to ensure satisfactory project delivery and technical validation. Other Director Ships Present: Athena Energy Holdings Pte Ltd. AsiaEnergy Engineering and Consultant Pte Ltd. Jiangsu Shilin Electric Equipment SEA Branch Pte Ltd. Metis Solar (Vietnam) Pte.

Ltd. Metis Re (Philippines) Pte. Ltd. Metis Philippines Kembangan Solar Pte. Ltd. Sandnergy Pte Ltd. Reason For Cessation: Gao Daiying has voluntarily resigned from her roles following completion of her Sign On Bonus and Employment Retention periods which ended on 31 October 2023 as part of the terms of her employment contract.