Herige has reported Q3 sales of €183m, up 5.4% (or -3.7% on a comparable basis) on the same period in FY 2022, against a new-build market that continues to decline.

For the first nine months of the year, sales totaled €638.1 million, up 8.8% (-0.9% on a comparable basis).

Herige confirms that it can rely on "the relevance of its multi-activity strategic positioning, focused on a range of sustainable and innovative solutions with a positive impact, and supported by a favorable regulatory context" with the doubling of the MaPrimeRénov' scheme and the extension of the Prêt à Taux Zéro until 2027, for which eligibility conditions have been broadened.

In this macroeconomic environment, Herige says it can count on 'the fundamentals of its proven business model and rigorous management of its financial equilibrium'.

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