Healixa Inc. announced that further to the Company's February 24, 2022 press release, it has secured (the “IOI”) from WaterisLife for South America projects. This $22,500,000 IOI adds to the already $15,000,000 in IOI's secured for the Global AquaDuct™ units bring the aggregate order indications to $37,500,000. Although Latin America possesses roughly 30% of the world's freshwater resources, mismanagement, overexploitation, pollution, and climate change-related impacts are increasing the region's water insecurity.

Of the 20 large Latin American cities, 16 now face water-related stress. In addition to the humanitarian pressures this creates, water resource issues have impacted business operations in multiple locations across South American. For example, major droughts have affected the power supply in Brazil, water-based transportation of key exports in Argentina, growing pushback against extractive projects in Ecuador, and legislative moves in Chile do to severe water scarcity caused by a lack of rainfall.

Healixa's AWH technology is a game-changing clean water technology that can harvest potable water directly from the atmosphere almost anywhere on earth with minimal energy using solar power. AWH is not reliant on relative humidity and can be operated sustainably to provide several hundreds of liters of potable water a day with a Global AquaDuct™ unit. Healixa estimates that solar panel components will make up approximately 2.5% of the Global AquaDuct™ unit production costs and has signed a supply agreement with Solar Integrated Roofing Corp.

to supply the solar components.