Guanajuato Silver Company Ltd. announced that Miranda Werstiuk has joined the Company's Board of Directors. In 1994, Ms. Werstiuk joined IBK Capital, where she provided financial advisory services for numerous global resource projects. Promoted to Senior Vice-President, Investment Banking from 2011 to 2019, Ms. Werstiuk led financing initiatives consisting primarily of debt and equity transactions totaling in excess of USD 200 million.

In 2020, she joined Geneva-based OCIM; as Director of Corporate Development, Ms. Werstiuk identified investment opportunities and designed and implemented alternative financing products and strategies, including the current silver-gold loan facility enjoyed by Guanajuato Silver. Ms. Werstiuk is the founder of Fuchsia Capital Advisors, and in 2023, she joined Monetary Metals & Co. Ms. Werstiuk graduated from Queen's University in 1990 with an Honours Bachelor of Science in Biology, and in 1992 with an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from McMaster University.

Ms. Werstiuk has been a member of the Toronto Chapter of "Women in Mining" (WIM) since 2017, holding various executive roles, including Co-Vice Chair, and helping to grow the organization into Canada's most influential association focused on advancing the role of women within the mining industry. She is also a member in good standing of WIM UK, PDAC and CIM, as well as the Artemis Project, which is a coalition of Canadian women entrepreneurs in the mining industry focused on advancing and supporting women within the mining sector. Miranda is Chair, Program Advisory Group of the planetGOLD program.