The board of directors (?Board?) of GKE Corporation Limited announced the following with immediate effect: Ms. Qian Wen Hua (?Ms. Qian?) has retired as an Executive Director of the company at the conclusion of the annual general meeting on 28 September 2023. As an Executive Director, Ms. Qian Wen Hua is responsible to explore overseas business opportunities. Other DirectorShips Past: Hainan Ampu Smart cological Cleaning Development Co.

Ltd., and Viola Investment Holdings Pte. Ltd. The reason for cessation: Ms. Qian Wen Hua ("Ms. Qian") has served notice to the Company as she does not wish to seek re-appointment, so to focus on her personal commitments, and retired as an Executive Director at the conclusion of the annual general meeting held on 28 September 2023. Consequent to Ms. Qian's retirement as an Executive Director of the company, the composition of the Board has been revised, at the conclusion of the annual general meeting on 28 September 2023, as follows: Board of Directors: Mr. Chen Yong Hua - Executive Chairman and Executive Director; Mr. Neo Cheow Hui - Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director; Mr. Loy Soo Chew - Lead Independent Director; Mr. Andrew Chua Thiam Chwee - Independent Director; Mr. Ho Ying Ming - Independent Director; and Mr. Wong Quee Quee, Jeffrey - Independent Director.

There are no changes to the composition of the Board Committees.