National essential power and communications infrastructure provider GenusPlus Group Ltd. has been selected as Preferred Proponent to deliver Transgrid's HumeLink Transmission Project, in joint venture with ACCIONA and Kalpataru Power Transmission. HumeLink will help secure renewable energy supply for millions of Australians as ageing coal-fired power stations are retired. The contract with Transgrid and the terms of the joint venture agreement are still to be finalised. The value of the project will be determined post conclusion of the Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) Stage 2 process. Genus is extremely proud to be entrusted to deliver a nationally significant infrastructure project alongside partners ACCIONA and Kalpataru Power Transmission. HumeLink is a project of national significance. It is one of New South Wales's largest energy infrastructure projects connecting Wagga Wagga, Bannaby and Maragle and includes new and upgraded infrastructure at four substation locations. The HumeLink East section will include the delivery of a new transmission line between Bannaby substation
and the Interface Point, including augmentation of existing Bannaby substation. GenusPlus is honoured to collaborate with Transgrid and joint venture partners to help lead the transition to Australia's clean energy future.