EV Resources Limited reported an update on the analytical results of the first 100 rock samples collected within the framework of a comprehensive sampling programme at the Christina Tin-Tungsten Project in Morocco, from locations on surface and underground. Highlights: 15 out of 100 samples collected from quartz veins in the central part of the concessions recorded values greater than 1% W (Tungsten), to more than 15.9%. 15 of the samples recorded values for Sn (Tin) greater than 0.11% and up to
0.41% Sn. Higher grade values are correlated to the wider and more substantial veins.
Mapping has revealed a far more extensive system than previously understood,
with a 1 ­ 3 km wide NW-SE trending corridor of mineralised, roughly E-W
striking quartz veins and micro vein swarms, for approximately 8 km from the
northern boundary of the concessions to the southern end. 338 further samples have undergone pulp preparation and are ready for despatch to ALS laboratories. Christina is fully permitted for drilling and drill planning is commencing.