Equippp Social Impact Technologies Limited has entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SocZen Technology Private Limited (SociallyGood), Bangalore, Karnataka. The goal of this partnership is to utilize institutional learnings and services available or produced by both organizations to offer services in the social impact ecosystem across India and the world. Areas of Collaboration: The collaboration between the two organizations will focus on the following areas: Joint Service Offerings.

B) Product/Service Development and Improvement. Partnership and Networking. Co-branding.

Ecosystem Strengthening. Knowledge Sessions, Market Education, and Awareness. The purpose of EQUIPPP entering this MoU is to establish a strategic business partnership with SociallyGood to collaborate and participate in making the social impact ecosystem stronger, sustainable, and scalable in India and worldwide.

EQUIPPP aims to leverage its expertise as a social impact technology provider to empower social impact players and facilitate cross-sector collaborations. By partnering with SociallyGood, EQUIPPP intends to combine its book building tools, impact assessment marketplace, and Social Tech professionals with the resources and services offered by SociallyGood to enhance the social impact ecosystem and foster positive change. The MoU aims to collaborate on joint service offerings, product/service development, partnership and networking, co-branding, ecosystem strengthening, and knowledge sessions.

The MoU is effective upon signing and remains valid for two years, subject to renewal by mutual agreement.