The Board of Directors of China Castson 81 Finance Company Limited announced that Ms. Florence Ng ("Ms. Ng") has tendered her resignation as an Independent Non-executive Director ("INED") of the Company with effect from 28 December 2023 as she would like to devote more time to her personal endeavours. Accordingly, following her resignation as INED, Ms. Ng ceased to act as member of the audit committee, the remuneration committee and nomination committee with effect from 28 December 2023. The Board announced that Ms. Law So Fun ("Ms. Law") has been appointed as an INED of the Company and also a member of each of the audit committee, remuneration committee and the nomination committee of the Company, which will take effect from 28 December 2023. Ms. Law, age 55, holds Bachelor degree of Business (Management) ­ Specialization in
Human Resource Management of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia in 2011. Ms. Law also holds a Diploma in Management Studies (with distinction) of Lingnan University awarded jointly by The Hong Kong Management Association in 2009. During the past 20 years, Ms. Law has once been the Administration & Executive Supervisor of Yong Zheng CPA Limited (formerly known as CHU AND CHU, CPA). Ms. Law possesses solid secretarial and administration works experiences and qualification, such as human resources and office administration.