Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A. - Eletrobrás at its 998th meeting of the Board of Directors held on 8 December 2023 announced that the Board of Directors of the company, in the exercise of its powers, and embodied in the presentation of the rapporteur and in a favorable statement by the Personnel Committee ? CPES, at its 54th meeting held on November 23, 2023, resolved to approve the election of ROBSON PINHEIRO RODRIGUES DE CAMPOS, Brazilian, married, lawyer, holder of identity card No. 8046624-6, issued by IFP/RJ and registered with the CPF under No.

892.756.677-72, resident and domiciled in Rio de Janeiro, state of Rio de Janeiro, with business address at Rua da Quitanda, 196, 24th floor, Centro, CEP 20091-005, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, for the position of EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT OF ENGINEERING FOR EXPANSION of Eletrobras, in conclusion to the unified management term of the Executive Board (May 1, 2023 to May 1, 2025), pursuant to article 21, article 31, item XV, and article 36, both of the Bylaws, without prejudice to the automatic extension referred to in article 24 of the Bylaws, the effectiveness of the election and investiture in office being conditioned to the signing of the term of office within thirty (30) days following the election, as provided for in article 149, §1 of Law No. 6.404/76.