Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A. - Eletrobrás informed its shareholders and the market in general that, within the scope of the initiatives prioritized by the Transformation Office, the Board of Directors of Eletrobras has appointed, on this date, the executives who will throughout April take office, the following statutory positions of the new structure of the Executive Board of Eletrobras: EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENCY OF OPERATIONS AND SECURITY, Antônio Varejão de Godoy; EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENCY OF ENGINEERING FOR EXPANSION, Italo Tadeu de Carvalho Freitas Filho; EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENCY OF TRADING, João Carlos de Abreu Guimarães; EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENCY OF STRATEGY AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, Elio Gil de Meirelles Wolff; EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENCY OF REGULATORY AND INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS, Rodrigo Limp Nascimento; EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENCY OF FINANCE AND INVESTOR RELATIONS, Elvira Baracuhy Cavalcanti Presta; EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENCY OF GOVERNANCE, RISKS AND COMPLIANCE, Camila Gualda Sampaio Araujo; EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENCY OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES, Renato Costa Santos Carreira; EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENCY OF PEOPLE, MANAGEMENT AND CULTURE, José Renato Domingues.