Ansal Housing Limited announced defaults on payment of interest/repayment of Principal Amount on Loans from Banks/Financial Institutions which were due for repayment beyond 30 days. Date of making the disclosure is 1st December, 2023. Nature of obligation is Secured Term Loan of Project Funding Name of the Lender: Suraksha Asset Reconstruction Private Limited. Date of default is 31st October, 2023. Current default amount (break-up
of principal and interest Principal - INR 555.9 Million. Interest - INR 895.7 Million, Term Loan: INR 555.9 Million. Tenure: Not yet decided. Rate of Interest: Not yet decided. Secured/Unsecured: Secured. For other project: Principal amount INR 1,556.6 Million. Interest - INR 413.7 Million. Project Funding: INR 1,556.6 Million. Tenure: 5 years effective 01st December, 2020, Rate of Interest: 17% p.a. Secured/Unsecured: Secured. Total amount of outstanding borrowings from Banks /financial institutions(in INR 4,017.2 Million. Total financial indebtedness of the listed entity including short-term
and long-term debt (in INR 4,996.3 Million.