Ansal Housing Limited announced defaults on payment of Interest/Repayment of Principal Amount on Loans from Banks/Financial Institutions. Name of the Listed entity: Ansal Housing Limited 2. Date of making the disclosure: 28th October, 2022 3. Nature of obligation: Secured Term Loan 4. Name of the Lender(s): Asset Care & Reconstruction Enterprise Limited 5. Date of default: 23rd September, 2022 Current default amount: Principal: INR ­1,498.5 Interest:­ INR 552.6 million, Details of the obligation (total principal amount in INR million, tenure, interest rate, secured /unsecured): Term Loan: INR 1,498.5 million Tenure: Not Applicable as the entire loan was recalled by the lender, Rate of Interest: 10.95% Secured/Unsecured: Secured. Total amount of outstanding borrowings from Banks /financial institutions(in INR million): INR 5,833.5 million, Total financial indebtedness of the listed entity including short-term and long-term debt (in INR million): INR 6,790.5 million.