Advanced Ceramic X Corporation announced change of financial officer, accounting officer and corporate governance officer. Name of the previous position holder: Ching-Yao Peng, financial officer, financial director of ACX, Ching-Yao Peng, accounting officer, financial director of ACX, and Ching-Yao Peng, corporate governance officer, financial director of ACX. Name of the new position holder: Hsien-Liang Chou, financial officer, financial manager of ACX, Hsien-Liang Chou, accounting officer, financial manager of ACX, and Hsien-Liang Chou, corporate governance officer, financial manager of ACX.

Effective date of the new appointment: November 29, 2023. Reason for the change: position adjustment. Any other matters that need to be specified: Effective by February 27, 2024 through board of director meeting.