Good Hemp, Inc. announced that their subsidiary, Good Hemp Wellness, is now shipping their U.S. Hemp Authority approved CBD Softgel product to customers nationwide. After signing a production agreement in March with Barlean's, a producer of healthy oils and other dietary supplements for nearly 30 years, the uniquely blended Good Hemp Wellness CBD Softgel was immediately entered into the production queue for manufacturing. The specific formulation is a fast-acting and self-emulsifying formula that has been shown in Barlean's internal studies to increase absorption into the bloodstream by 200%. In May, Good Hemp Wellness proudly received certification from the U.S. Hemp Authority (USHA), which signifies the company's efforts to provide a high-quality, trustworthy product. Implemented in 2018, the USHA certification ensures that hemp producers adhere to the highest standards, implement the best practices, and provide consumers with the best possible hemp and CBD products through self-regulation. Now entering July, Good Hemp Wellness is shipping the CBD Softgels to customers in the $24B health and wellness market.