Litemax, a provider of LCD displays and industrial computing, has introduced a 33-inch interactive, circular LCD display for bar tables installed in cafes and restaurants, according to a press release.

The display integrates a custom made Zytronic multitouch projected capacitive sensor, combined with object recognition capability built into the Zyrtonic ZXY600 multitouch controller firmware.

The interactive surface is a round ZyBrid multitouch sensor capable of detecting up to 100 simultaneous touches, featuring a printed border and machine polished edges for aesthetics and safety.

Litemax mounts this on top of a 32-inch LCD panel resized to a round shape. The touch sensor's 4mm thick thermally toughened, anti-glare glass protects the underlying display.

Litemax has integrated an LED "halo" around the display's perimeter with two induction phone charging pads concealed underneath. The pads operate through the "halo" and overlaying touch sensor glass.

Litemax has also integrated an Intel smart display module. The credit card sized computer plugs directly into the display to deliver all the WI-FI communication as an all-in-one turnkey solution.

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