ZeroFox announced a new External Attack Surface Management (EASM) module on the ZeroFox platform to see and secure external assets. The new capability builds upon ZeroFox?s existing best-in-breed solutions in Digital Risk Protection and Threat Intelligence, offering a single vendor to discover and protect assets outside the perimeter. Digital transformation, hybrid work and complex software supply chains have all led to an unprecedented expansion of unknown and unmanaged assets, systems and exposures across the external attack surface.

ZeroFox EASM offers automated discovery and enumeration of these commonly-exploited assets, including subdomains, IP addresses, software, and security certificates. Organizations can now prioritize and address potential exposures to reduce risk and erode the attacker?s advantage. Unlike standalone EASM providers, ZeroFox differentiates by providing a single, comprehensive platform for EASM, Digital Risk Protection, and Threat Intelligence.

This complementary approach reduces manual burdens with automated processes and technology, giving security teams comprehensive visibility and control over their external attack surface. And with Gartner predicting that by 2025, 60% of organizations will use a converged EASM and DRP solution from a single vendor, the combination of these capabilities is attractive for security teams looking to get the jump on streamlining their technology stack. ZeroFox External Attack Surface Management allows security teams to: Discover external assets: Automatically discover internet-facing assets across digital footprint.

Identify exposed systems, subdomains, IP addresses, outdated software, security certificates, and services that may be visible to an attacker. Summarize and prioritize risk: Continuously correlate exposures to assets, with an intuitive dashboard offering a centralized view of attack surface with clear risk scoring and AI-driven remediation recommendations to focus security efforts where time is critical. Uncover Shadow IT: Leverage powerful searches to uncover unknown or forgotten assets linked to domains and IP ranges.

Preemptively explore external attack surface to identify exposed systems before adversaries can discover them. The module is first available to existing ZeroFox customers, and will be generally available later this quarter.