WW Holding Inc. announced the appointment of Audit Committee Members. Name of the previous position holder: Chang-Hsiang Chou Peng-Chin Tang Pu-Yang Liu. Resume of the previous position holder: Chang-Hsiang Chou/General Manager of Rui Zhe Management Consultant Co.

Ltd. Peng-Chin Tang/CPA of Chienyang Accounting Firm Independent Pu-Yang Liu/Advisor of Taicon Corporation. Name of the new position holder: Pu-Yang Liu Hsing-Chu Wu Jun-Kai Huang. Circumstances of change: Term expired.

Reason for the change: Term expired. Effective date of the new member: June 23, 2022. Resume of the new position holder: Pu-Yang Liu/Advisor of Taicon Corporation Hsing-Chu Wu/CPA of Chienyang Accounting Firm Independent Jun-Kai Huang/Senior Vice President of CIDC Consultants Inc.