The board of the directors of WLS Holdings Limited announced that Dr. So Yu Shing has a retirement plan and has tendered to resign as an executive Director, the chairman of the Board and the chairman of Nomination Committee of the Company with effect from 2 May 2023. The Board announced that with effect from 2 May 2023, Mr. Yang Haijia has ben appointed as an executive Director and the chairman of Nomination Committee.
Mr. Yang, aged 35, obtained a Master 's degree in Finance from Queen 's University, Canada in 2019. Mr. Yang has over 13 years of financial management experience in the PRC and Hong Kong. He has extensive experience of investment planning, coordinating and supporting integration planning, and financial analysis. Pursuant to the service contract entered into between Mr. Yang and the Company, Mr. Yang has been appointed for fixed term of three years unless terminated by not less than three months' notice in writing served by either party on the other and is subject to rotation and re-election pursuant to the bye-laws of the Company and GEM Listing Rules. Mr. Yang will receive HK$30,000 per month as emolument of being a Director, which was recommended by the remuneration committee of the Board and determined by the Board with reference to his background, experience, duties and responsibilities with the Company and the prevailing market conditions.