White Organic Retail Limited informed that, on the recommendation of Nomination and Remuneration committee the Board of Directors at their meeting held t., November 08, 2023, considered and approved the appointment of Mr. Minkal Kirtikumar Doshi (DIN:05249938) as an Additional Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director of the Company with effect from November 08, 2023. Mr. Minkal K Doshi aged 37 years, a commerce graduate from HR College of Commerce and Economics, Churchgate, Mumbai, entered into business of redevelopment and construction in 2009, thereafter developed interest in organic farming to help environment. From there on, starting first with organic turmeric vertical farming, he has entered into moringa, drumsticks and chilli farming on a large scale.

These have been undertaken in the Mehsana district of Gujarat. He is very keen to take this high-tech vertical farming to the next level for meeting the future global needs for food products.