Versus Systems Inc. announced that users can register now to take part in the beta tests for Versus' latest rewarded interactive experience, Winfinite Cash for AI-powered trivia. Beta users of Winfinite Cash will earn bonus cash and have early access to real-money rewards inside Versus' skill-based games. Users can register for the beta tests at The Winfinite Cash beta testing launches July 12, 2023 and will roll out over the coming weeks, adding
test players through the end of August. While sign-ups for the real money beta tests begin July 12, 2023, Winfinite Cash is anticipated to officially launch in September. Winfinite Cash is starting with Versus' latest offering, AI-powered trivia. Eventually, Versus aims to include real money as a prize-type across its growing portfolio of skill-based mobile games, including AI-powered trivia, sports games, and match3. Versus' interactive and rewarded products have been used in-venue by NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL and NCAA teams for years. The addition of MyWinfinite in June of this year allowed brands of any size to use gaming and rewards to drive customer engagement, as well as increase consented first-party data. With the platform's newest feature, Winfinite Cash, players will soon be able to play Winfinite's skill-based games for real-money rewards.