TA Corporation Ltd. announced that Mr. Liong Kiam Teck (Mr. Liong) who will retire by rotation pursuant to Regulation 90 of the Company's Constitution does not wish to seek re-election at the forthcoming annual general meeting to be held on 25 April 2024 (AGM). He will cease as Director and Executive Chairman of the Board at the conclusion of the AGM. Mr. Mervyn Goh Bin Guan (Mr. Mervyn Goh), Independent Director of the Company will retire by rotation pursuant to Regulation 90 of the Company's Constitution.

Mr. Goh who has served on the Board for more than nine years will cease to be independent at the conclusion of the AGM. The Board, upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee, has approved the re-designation of Mr. Mervyn Goh from Independent Director to Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director with effect from the conclusion of the AGM. Mr. Mervyn Goh has abstained from the deliberations and decision-making in relation to his re-designation.

Following his re-designation, Mr. Mervyn Goh will remain as a member of the Audit Committee ("AC") and Remuneration Committee ("RC") and cease as Chairman of the Nominating Committee ("NC") at the conclusion of the AGM. Mr. Mervyn Goh will continue as a member of the NC. Mr. Neo Tiam Boon ("Mr Neo") will be appointed as the Executive Chairman in place of Mr. Liong.

Mr. Neo remains as CEO of the Company. Mr. Pang Teng Tuan will be appointed as the Chairman of the NC in place of Mr. Mervyn Goh. With effect from 25 April 2024, following the conclusion of the AGM, the Board and Board Committees will be reconstituted as follows: Neo Tiam Boon - Executive Chairman and Chief Executive OfficerFong Heng Boo - Lead Independent Director, Pang Teng Tuan- Independent Director, Mervyn Goh Bin Guan - Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director, Fong Heng Boo - Chairman, Pang Teng Tuan - Member, Mervyn Goh Bin Guan - Member, Fong Heng Boo- Chairman, Pang Teng Tuan- Member, Mervyn Goh Bin Guan - Member, Pang Teng Tuan- Chairman, Fong Heng Boo- Member, Mervyn Goh Bin Guan - Member and Neo Tiam Boon - Member.