Paris, 10 December 2015

Sopra Banking Software, a global leader in software, integration, support and advisory services - today announced that it has been named a Strong Performer by Forrester Research, Inc. in 'The Forrester Wave™: Omnichannel Banking Solutions, Q3 2015' report. The solution was recognized as a strong performer from amongst six top omnichannel banking platforms, which were evaluated on a comprehensive set of 41 criteria focusing on strategy, current offering, and market presence.

According to the research report, 'To assess the state of the omnichannel banking market and how the vendors and their solutions stack up against each other, Forrester evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of the top omnichannel banking solution vendors.'

Based on this assessment, Sopra Banking Software was named a strong performer in omnichannel banking.

Sopra Banking Platform received among the second highest scores in the 'Product and Packaging' category, with a score of 4.5 out of 5.

With a score of 4.35 out of 5, Sopra Banking Platform is the second highest scorer for the 'Product Strategy' criterion.

Referring to Sopra Banking, Jost Hoppermann, Vice President and Principal Analyst, Forrester writes in the report, 'Sopra Banking's strong performance builds on multiple modules… It shows solid support of channels. Particularly, mobile channels and mobile wallets see broad and rich support… The product strategy is well defined - with clear focus on delivering Cloud-based ASP type services or even full SaaS.'

Reflecting on the result, Philippe Bourgeois, Head of Software Strategy and Innovation, comments:
'We continually talk to banks around how they can rise to meet customer expectations, keep them on-board and be able to deliver a seamless experience over any channel. Today's consumers are increasingly sophisticated and are already accustomed to targeted offerings from companies. Banks need to act in the same way. Our solution provides a seamless way of delivering those experiences to the banks' customers, and I believe that Forrester's evaluation supports our position.'

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