Randon S.A. Implementos e Participações (BOVESPA:RAPT4) is looking for M&A. Esteban Angeletti said, "it's natural to continue with projects in the pipeline. Yesterday, Fras-le mentioned that, yes, there are some projects being analyzed in the U.S., in Mexico to expand the aftermarket in other geographies. And this logic also applies to the other verticals, all of them, without exception, we're looking at potential M&As, potential targets in auto parts and also looking at some things in Brazil and abroad and in OEM, semitrailers.

We continue to look at expansion, geographical expansion to mature countries, developed countries, and our vertical of financial services also has some projects aiming at continuing to expand this line of business. Last year, it represented. We saw an expansion in net revenue, business diversification to have more resilience, yes, in all verticals, we have M&A projects, some more mature.

I would say that in movement control, we have some mature projects, in others they are in their infancy, but they are part of our strategy".