Pfenex Inc. announced that its commercialization partner, Alvogen, has launched Teriparatide Injection in the United States. Teriparatide Injection is a prescription medicine approved for several uses, including in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis who are at high risk for having bone fractures. Teriparatide Injection is the first teriparatide product since Forteo (teriparatide injection) approved for this use. The Alvogen product is pharmaceutically equivalent to Forteo (that is, has the same active ingredient in the same strength, dosage form and route of administration) and has been shown to have comparable bioavailability. These characteristics allowed the product to be approved under a 505(b)(2) NDA for which Forteo was the reference drug. It may provide a lower-cost teriparatide option for increasing bone density in patients at high risk for fracture, and is FDA-approved for the same indications as Forteo, which means it can be used for the same patients as Forteo, including new patients and those currently responding to treatment .