Novo Integrated Sciences, Inc. announced that its IoNovo for Kids pure iodine oral spray has been granted a registration number and received regulatory approval by Turkey?s Ministry of Health as a dietary supplement determined to be safe, effective, of high quality, and eligible for sale in Turkey. With this registration, Novo?s two IoNovo Iodine related products have full approval for distribution and sale throughout Turkey. Novo has partnered with NOYEM Global Foreign Trade and Consultancy Inc. Phase 1 of NOYEM?s plan provides for 3 separate distribtuion and sales channels including (i) doctors at over 100 different institutions in approximately 40 different cities across Turkey including govermental, university, and private hospitals; (ii) pharmaceutical wholesalers that serve approximately 15,000 pharmacies; and (iii) e-commerce platforms including Turkey?s larger e-commerce platform with approximately 30 million active members.

Additionally, Iodine is known to promote healthy skin, nails, and hair. IoNovo Iodine is directly absorbed into the bloodstream through a precise oral spray dosage without interacting with the oral micro-biome or any bacteria or viruses. All of Novo?s IoNovo products are designed to be delivered via oral spray which is proven to be significantly more effective in absorption than pill or gel capsules.