Håvard Busklein (38) has been appointed Managing Director at Norske Skog Skogn
AS. He has extensive operational knowledge from a number of positions and areas
of responsibility at Norske Skog Skogn. He has been employed by Norske Skog
Skogn for 14 years, however with a short period as Technical Manager at
Trønderbilene AS. Busklein has until recently been Project and Development
Manager at Norske Skog Skogn. He also has a background as Maintenance Manager
for 4 years as well as Operations Manager in the production of paper.

Busklein has personal qualities that makes him particularly suitable as Managing
Director. He has well developed cooperation skills and strong professional
knowledge of wood processing processes. He has a bachelor's degree in mechanical
engineering from Sør-Trøndelag University College in 2008.

- We are very pleased to welcome Håvard Busklein as our new permanent Managing
Director at Norske Skog Skogn. Together, we share the ambition to create as
competitive Norske Skog Skogn as possible in this demanding industry. Skogn is a
well-run mill with great potential for further development based on fibre as raw
material. Busklein will contribute with operational wood processing experience,
high ambitions and good cooperation skills to further develop and adapt the
business to the future competitive environment, says Sven Ombudstvedt, CEO of
Norske Skog ASA and chairman of Norske Skog Skogn AS.

Busklein demonstrates solid results and good relationships during his time at
Norske Skog Skogn.

- I am highly motivated and ready for this new challenge. My career so far at
Skogn has given me great expertise about Skogn and the paper industry. In
collaboration with many skilled employees here at Skogn, I am sure that we will
succeed in improving ourselves for the future, global competition, says Håvard
Busklein, MD of Norske Skog Skogn.

Håvard Busklein has served as Mill Director since Bjørn Einar Ugedal left the
position on 1 October 2022.

About Norske Skog
Norske Skog is a world leading producer of publication paper with strong market
positions and customer relations in Europe and Australasia. The Norske Skog
Group operates four mills in Europe, two of which will produce recycled
containerboard following ongoing conversion projects. In addition, the Group
operates one paper mill in Australia. Norske Skog aims to further diversify its
operations and continue its transformation into a growing and high-margin
business through a range of promising energy and bio product development
projects. The Group has approximately 2 100 employees, is headquartered in
Norway and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker NSKOG.

About Norske Skog Skogn
Norske Skog Skogn has around 360 employees and a turnover of about NOK 3.0
billion as well as a production capacity of 480,000 tonnes of newsprint and
packaging paper capacity with main markets in Europe. 

12 October 2022

Norske Skog
Communications and Public Affairs

For further information:

Norske Skog media:
Vice President Corporate Communication and Public Affairs
Carsten Dybevig
Mob: +47 917 63 117

Norske Skog financial markets:                                                  
Investor Relation Manager
Even Lund
Email: even.lund (at) norskeskog.com 
Mob: +47 906 12 919

Click here for more information

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