Netfonds AG becomed the consulting and technology partner for the new company long-term care insurance of Henkel Germany in cooperation with Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie (IG BCE) and the DFV Deutsche Familienversicherung. Under the name CareFlex, the employees of Henkel Germany will now receive an industry solution that is so far unique in the German collective agreement landscape, in which they can put together their care plans according to their individual needs and, in addition, can secure their family members. The IG BCE Bonus Agency, a subsidiary of IG BCE, will offer independent and individual advice to employees as a service provider. Considering the respective regional care offers, the appropriate pension solution is identified and possible gaps in coverage are closed. The Netfonds Group supports the processes as consulting and technology partner via its new digital platform finfire. "The results of the advisory processes are handed over directly to the HR department of the Group via finfire. The data can thus be processed without manual intervention, which gives the entire process a whole new level of efficiency and transparency, "explains Oliver Kieper, Member of the Management Board of Netfonds AG. "The first project of this size has already shown that finfire is tailor-made to meet the new requirements of the financial and insurance industry and that the platform is working well immediately after launch." Since the project was launched in November 2018, more than 3,000 advisory processes have been successfully handled via finfire.