MediXall Group, Inc. announced the launch of Health Karma – a comprehensive new tool to enable consumers to easily navigate their health and wellness experience. Designed over several years of listening to the needs of individuals and developed to put the individual at the center, Health Karma offers support that revolves around the unique needs of each person when they’re either sick or healthy, when and how they need it most. Consumer feedback from extensive user testing over several years has revealed consumer confusion and lack of understanding with respect to how much healthcare services will cost, which doctors consumers should choose, what procedures or prescriptions may be required, and a general inability to make informed decisions about care because there is no single source or repository of information. The following are the most the most common pain points identified from user feedback: What will insurance cover? Consumers aren’t sure about the network status of their doctors, which conflicts with the need to see an in-network doctor to avoid very expensive medical bills. How much will insurance pay? Consumers do not know or understand their health plan coverage details and have trouble determining if it will cover everything, up to a specific limit or nothing until a deductible is met. What are the out-of-pocket costs? Lack of understanding if their health insurance requires them to pay a portion of charges out of their own pocket. Know what owe. Many times, consumers are surprised by how much is owed for services due to their lack of understanding about how much is owed for medical services and if the amount is a fair price. Consumers feel financial and emotional pressure when it comes to making sure they have money available to pay for services. Aligned with the feedback gathered during the beta launch, Health Karma gives consumers a 360-degree view of their personal health with the educational tips, tools, and guidance needed to make informed decisions based on their personal health needs. Health Karma shifts peoples’ approach to care from reactive to proactive, enabling them to make smarter and faster decisions and manage their healthcare anywhere, anytime, whether they have insurance or not. With Health Karma, users can: Talk to a Doctor Virtually, 24/7/365, Find a Healthcare Provider or Facility, Track and Review Current Plan Usage - All in Real-Time, Estimate Out-of-pocket Costs, Find Rx Savings, Access & Send Medical Records, Get Immediate Help with Customer Support and Get Questions Answered.