LiveWire Mobile, Inc. has made its music navigation and discovery app, Rumpus Music, available on the iPad. Using multiple data sources to enhance its discovery technology for music, the app allows music fans to navigate their way through the tunes and artists they love and to re-connect with old favorites. The app, which sells for $1.99 on Apple(R)'s App Store, plugs directly into iTunes and gives iPad users the chance to immerse themselves in the music relationships and interactions that have made Rumpus popular on Android smartphones and tablets.

The genius behind Rumpus is the unique way the millions of tracks and artists available on iTunes have been connected, so that users can join the dots between all the relationships and information that make music discovery so addictive. The app then gives a way of smart bookmarking music discoveries, leaving a breadcrumb trail that enables to re-trace steps when go back, so never lose touch with musical discoveries. The user is steered through an easy and intuitive journey, seeing what other music was produced by a favorite artist, or how a tune or artist influenced others or was influenced by particular music.

It then hooks together the music, videos, biographical information and imagery so the music fan can immerse themselves in the navigation and discovery experience.