Kina Securities Limited announces the following changes to its Executive Management Team with immediate effect: Retirement of Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary Mr. Chetan Chopra and Appointment of Acting Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary and Chief Information Officer. Mr. Chetan Chopra, Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary will transition from his full-time role to retirement as Chief Financial Officer on 1 September 2022 following a successful 6-year career with the Kina Group. Chetan will continue to be associated with the Kina Group for an effective hand-over of his duties, and as an advisor on strategic projects.

Mr. Johnson Kalo will be Acting in the role of Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary effective from 1 September 2022. Mr. Kalo has significant experience in Financial Services and Governance in PNG and across the broader South Pacific Region. He is a Chartered Accountant and Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Johnson is currently in the role of Chief Information Officer appointed in September 2019 and has substantial industry experience in PNG, having previously held the positions of Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Bank South Pacific. The Board has a robust approach to internal succession planning and it is in a strong position to supplement this with a search to identify external domestic and international candidates who will also be considered in the selection process.