KAP Industrial Holdings Limited announced that Mrs. IN (Ipeleng) Mkhari retired at the AGM after having served as a director on the Board for a period of 17 years. Mr. SP (Sibusiso Penwell) Lunga, the Company's Executive of Human Capital and Stakeholder Relations, was appointed as an executive director on the Board. In addition to the above Board changes, the following Board committee and director role changes have taken effect: Mr. J d V (Jaap) du Toit has stepped down as chair of both the Board and the Nomination Committee ("Nom Com"). He will continue to serve on the Board and on the Nom Com as an independent non-executive director. Mr. PK (Pat) Quarmby has been appointed as the chair of the Board and the Nom Com. He will no longer serve on the Audit and Risk Committee ("A&R Com"), but will remain a member of the Investment Committee ("Invest Com"). Mr. KJ (Jo) Grov? was appointed as the lead independent non-executive director. The eputy chair position on the Board has fallen away. Jo retains his seats on the Invest Com and on the Human Capital and Remuneration Committee ("Rem Com"). Mrs. V (Viv) McMenamin became a member of the Rem Com in addition to her membership of the Social and Ethics Committee ("S&E Com"). Mrs. TC (Tamara) Esau-Isaacs was appointed as a member of the Invest Com in addition to her seats on the A&R Com and on the S&E Com. Ms Z (Zellah) Fuphe was appointed as the chair of the S&E Com and as a new member of the Nom Com. Mr. SH (Steve) M?ller was appointed as the chair of the Invest Com. He will continue serving on the A&R Com, the S&E Com, and as the chairperson of the Rem Com. Mr. KT (Ken) Hopkins' portfolio as A&R Com chair has remained unchanged.