HIRE Technologies Inc. announced the appointment Chris Backus as the new CEO of the Company, effective November 10, 2023, in place of Simon Dealy who was the former interim CEO. The current board of directors consists of Clive Brookes, Adam Ho and Jonson Sun. Chris Backus has extensive history in C-level corporate leadership (CEO &COO of both public and private companies), strategic communications, business negotiations, operations management, and executive leadership consulting.

His history also includes 20 years of service as a Police Officer with the RCMP, which he earned specialized distinction as a Negotiator, Communications Strategist, and Senior Leader. Chris has also worked as a strategic advisor to the United Nations Department of Peace Keeping Operations. He has extensive experience with high level negotiations in both business and political environments.

Chris holds a Master's Degree in Conflict Management and Negotiations from Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC.