Excelsior Medical Co., Ltd. announced members of the Company's Audit Committee. Name of the functional committees: Audit Committee. Name of the previous position holder: Chan Tzu-Sheng Chang Wu-I Kuo Yu-Chia.

Resume of the previous position holder: Chan Tzu-Sheng: Independent director of the Company. Chang Wu-I: Independent director of the Company. Kuo Yu-Chia: Independent director of the Company.

Name of the new position holder: Chang Wu-I Kuo Yu-Chia Jhan Cian-Long 6.Resume of the new position holder: Chang Wu-I:Independent director of the Company. Kuo Yu-Chia: Independent director of the Company. Jhan Cian-Long: Dean of Soochow University Business School.

Reason for the change: Term expired and re-election. Effective date of the new member is June 21, 2022.