Eurobio Scientific Société anonyme and Acobiom announce the signature of an exclusive commercial agreement for the distribution, in France, Germany and the United Kingdom, of GemciTest®, a CE marked test for the predictive diagnostics of response to gemcitabine-based chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive cancer. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO, Globocan data), the incidence of this cancer was about 202,000 new cases in 2020 in Europe and North America, increasing by 2.5% per year on average.

In France, this cancer affected about 15,000 patients in 2020, of which nearly 45% would be at the metastatic stage. Diagnosis is generally made by imaging and biological tests on biopsy. GemciTest has been developed with Acobiom's technology platform, which combines genomic and transcriptomic techniques (NGS sequencing, real-time PCR) with bioinformatics, biostatistics and artificial intelligence (machine learning) tools and programs for data processing and analysis.

Developed and validated using real-world data and samples, this molecular diagnostics is based on a proprietary combination of RNA markers present in blood. The test was evaluated in a confirmatory study to measure its sensitivity in predicting the response of PDAC patients to a gemcitabine-based chemotherapy in first-line treatment. This confirmatory study demonstrated the value of using GemciTest® in clinics and also reveals the potential of RNA marker combinations in blood in the development of precision medicine and personalized therapy for patients with pancreatic cancer.