Etex N.V. (ENXTBR:094124453) acquired an unknown majority stake in e-Loft on January 27, 2021. Matthieu Lampel and Edouard Sarrazin of DLA Piper (Belgium) actd as legal advisor Etex N.V. Etex N.V. (ENXTBR:094124453) completed the acquisition of an unknown majority stake in e-Loft on January 27, 2021. Emmanuel Picard, Caroline Willemot, Didier Tixier and Remi Volf of Ernst & Young France acted as financial due diligence provider to Etex. Bruno Zerbib of Finaxeed alongside Stéphane Gardette and Nicolas Martineau of CAPCODE- Société d'avocats acted as financial advisor and legal advisor to PINCEMIN. Sophie Moreau-Garenne of So-Mg Partners acted as Fnancial due diligence provider to PINCEMIN.