EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS announced that at its annual general meeting of shareholders held on April 15, 2021, the shareholders decided to approve the profit distribution proposal. The consolidated net profit of the 2020 financial year of the fund is EUR 3.317 million. To distribute the undistributed profit as at 31 December 2020 in the total amount of EUR 18,277,000 as follows: Transfers to the reserve capital: EUR 166,000; Profit to be distributed between the shareholders (net dividend): EUR 2,798,000 (EUR 66.3 cents per share); Transfers to other reserves shall not be made and profit shall not be used for any other purposes. Amount of undistributed profit after transfers is EUR 15,313,000. The list of shareholders entitled to dividends shall be fixed on June 4, 2021 as at the end of the working day of the registrar of the settlement system of the fund’s securities. Therefore, the date of change in the rights attaching to shares (ex-date) is June 3, 2021. As of this date a person who acquired shares is not entitled to dividends for the 2020 financial year. Dividend shall be paid to the shareholders on June 16, 2021 by way of bank transfer to the shareholder’s bank account.