CRRC Corporation Limited announced that at the 20th meeting of the third session of the Board held on 22 February 2024, the Board resolved to appoint Mr. Ma Yunshuang as the president of the Company with a term commencing from the date of approval at the Board meeting until the date of expiry of the term of the third session of the Board. Mr. Ma Yunshuang, born in 1971, a Chinese national with no right of abode overseas, is a holder of doctoral degree, professorate senior engineer, a deputy secretary of the party committee and the president of the Company. He also serves as a deputy secretary of the party committee, director and general manager of CRRC GROUP Co.

Ltd. Mr. Ma previously served as the deputy general manager, vice chairman, general manager and deputy secretary of the party committee of CSR Qingdao Sifang Co. Ltd., and a director, general manager, deputy secretary of the party committee of CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co. Ltd. Since October 2019, he served as a member of the standing committee of the party committee and vice president of the Company.

Since July 2020, he served as a standing member of the party committee of CRRC GROUP Co. Ltd. Since January 2024, he has served as the deputy secretary of the party committee, director, general manager of CRRC GROUP Co. Ltd. Since February 2024, he has served as a deputy secretary of the party committee and the president of the Company.