BTQ Technologies Corp. announced it has entered into a Research Partnership with the International Research Institute for Cyber Security ("IRCS"). This strategic partnership, marked by a jointly signed MOU, aims to further the development of post-quantum cryptography.

Particularly, both BTQ and IRCS are keen to delve into the research and application of Secure algorithm for Long-term Message Authentication and Encryption (SOLMAE), a signature scheme developed by IRCS and submitted to the Korean standardization competition in Nov. 2022, organized by the Quantum Resistant Cryptography Research Center. This partnership will also explore other lattice-based cryptosystems. SOLMAE is a signature scheme that verifies the authenticity of digital information to ensure the information is genuine and hasn't been tampered with.

SOLMAE offers versatile capabilities for authentication and securing communication channels in retail and commercial industry, such as for those leveraging artificial intelligence (AI). By applying SOLMAE signatures to AI models, it becomes possible to ensure that the models have not been tampered with or modified, providing assurance that the models are genuine and trustworthy. Since AI systems heavily rely on training data, SOLMAE can also be used to establish the integrity and provenance of training data.

By signing datasets with SOLMAE, it becomes possible to verify that the data used for training AI models has not been tamper with or modified, ensuring the trustworthiness of the training process. SOLMAE can also be use to detect adversarial attacks aimed at manipulating AI systems by introducing subtle perturbations to input data. SOLMAE signatures can be used to detect such attacks by identifying any modifications or tampering attempts through the signature verification process.

SOLMAE signatures can been used to detect such attacks by identify any modifications or tampering attempts through The signature verification process.