Ambev S.A. announced that effective as of September 1, 2018, the replacement of Mr. F bio Vieira Kapitanovas, the current Chief People Officer, by Mr. Ricardo Morais Pereira de Melo. Mr. Ricardo Morais Pereira de Melo shall accumulate the functions of Chief Sales Officer and Chief People Officer and will be sworn into his respective position on September 1, 2018, upon the execution of the instrument of investiture in the proper book, at which time he will execute a statement confirming that there is no impediment to his election to the company's Board of Executive Officers. Effective as of January 1, 2019, election of Mr. Jean Jereissati, the Chief Sales Officer and Chief Marketing Officer, replacing Mr. Ricardo Morais Pereira de Melo and Mrs. Paula Nogueira Lindenberg, respectively. The board approved election of Mr. Paulo Zagman, replacing Mr. Maur cio Nogueira Soufen in that position, provided that Mr. Maur cio Nogueira Soufen will remain as Chief Industrial Officer. The board approved election of Mr. Leticia Rudge Barbosa Kina as Chief Legal Officer, replacing Mr. Pedro de Abreu Mariani in that position. The board approved election of Mr. Ricardo Gon alves Melo as Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, replacing Mr. Pedro de Abreu Mariani in that position.