AISIX Solutions Inc. announce the release of Wildfire 2.0, a revolutionary climate risk data set. This advanced tool is designed to provide unparalleled insights into wildfire risks, aiding in the effective planning and mitigation strategies for communities and businesses. AISIX Wildfire 2.0 provides probabilities of wildfire across Canada by incorporating fire ignitions and spread.

The dataset also includes historical fire and weather information, along with a 1-to-5 score that considers past fire occurrences and future fire probabilities. This dataset is unique in Canada, offering a valuable tool for insurance professionals, real estate agents, and the public to assess their fire risk and understand how it is evolving due to climate change. AISIX's wildfire data layer is generated by building on the Canadian Forest Service workflow, using the Burn-P3 (Probability, Prediction, and Planning) software.

Burn-P3 combines the physically-based fire spread model, Prometheus, with a stochastic approach to determining burn probability, simulating billions of synthetic fire events across climatological, morphological, and biophysical conditions to deliver burn probabilities. AISIX's workflow aggregates independent burn scenarios to stochastically determine burn probability for the entirety of Canada. Burn-P3 and its evolution, Burn-P3+, are currently used and validated in Canada and internationally, and documented in manuals, reports, and peer-reviewed publications.

By using a proprietary data pipeline, burn probability is systematically modelled for any location in Canada. Once modelling is complete, post-processing is performed on the burn probability dataset to detect and correct boundary artefacts between simulation domains and extrapolates burn probability into the wildland urban interfaces (WUI) of different population centres. Rigorous validation of simulation statistics ensures model performance is evaluated at a local scale and as a pan-Canadian aggregate of burn probability to inform ongoing model refinement and development.

Key Features of Wildfire 2.0: Wildfire burn probability and wildfire risk scores, Cumulative wildfire burn probabilities over 1, 10, and 30 years, Average Burn Probabilities within 10km, No. of Small Historical Fires (<200 hectares), No. of Large Historical Fires (>200 hectares), 250m resolution for all of Canada, Based on more than 400 thousand historic fire locations and over 400 billion simulated fires, Builds on top of Canadian Forest Service methodologies that are internationally validated and peer- reviewed.

Wildfire 2.0 is the result of extensive work and research of leading climate experts and data scientists. It represents a significant step forward in AISIX Solutions' commitment to providing cutting-edge tools for climate risk assessment. The release of Wildfire 2.0 is not only a testament to AISIX Solutions' innovation in climate risk technology but also reinforces the company's dedication to fostering resilience and preparedness in the face of climate challenges.