A.S. Création Tapeten AG announced that the regular election of the Supervisory Board members resulted in some changes. Ms. Benner-Heinacher, who had been a member of the Supervisory Board since 1998, did not run for re-election. Mr. Jörn Kämper, the former Chairman of the Managing Board of A.S. Création, was elected to the Supervisory Board as the new shareholder representative by a large majority of the shareholders attending the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. This also led to changes in the employee representatives, as the two long-serving employee representatives, Mr. Mourschinetz and Mr. Schmuck, did not run for re-election. At the constituent meeting of the Supervisory Board following the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, the Supervisory Board elected Mr. Kämper as Chairman and Mr. Jochen Müller as his Vice Chairman.