A-Living Services Co., Ltd. announced that the Board has considered and resolved to elect Mr. Chan Cheuk Hung and Mr. Huang Fengchao as the co-chairman of the second session of the Board with effect from the conclusion of the Board Meeting and until the expiry of the term of the second session of the Board. The Board has considered and resolved the composition of the Board committees of the second session of the Board as follows: Audit Committee Chairman: Mr. Wan Kam To Member: Ms. Wong Chui Ping Cassie, Mr. Wang Peng. Remuneration and Appraisal Committee Chairman: Mr. Wang Peng Member: Mr. Huang Fengchao, Mr. Li Dalong, Mr. Wan Kam To, Ms. Wong Chui Ping Cassie, Nomination Committee Chairman: Mr. Huang Fengchao Member: Mr. Li Dalong, Mr. Wan Kam To, Ms. Wong Chui Ping Cassie, Mr. Wang Peng, Risk Management Committee Chairman: Mr. Huang Fengchao Member: Mr. Chan Cheuk Hung, Mr. Li Dalong, Mr. Wan Kam To. Reference is made to the announcement of the company dated 29 May 2020 in relation to (i) the change of president (general manager) and chief executive officer and (ii) change of chief financial officer of the company (the "Announcement"). The Board has considered and resolved to appoint Mr. Li Dalong as the president (general manager) and chief executive officer of the company, Ms. Wu Jiejing as the chief financial officer of the company. The Board has considered and resolved to appoint Mr. Feng Xin and Ms. Zhao Yu as the vice president of the Group. The Board announced that Mr. Li Dalong and Ms. Choy Yee Man have resigned as the joint company secretaries of the company with effect from 21 July 2020. Each of Mr. Li and Ms. Choy has confirmed that he/she has no disagreement with the Board and there is no matter relating to his/her resignation as the joint company secretaries that needs to be brought to the attention of the Stock Exchange and the shareholders of the company. Mr. Huang Fengchao has resigned as an authorised representative of the company. Mr. Huang Fengchao has resigned as an authorised representative of the company (the "Authorised Representative") under Rule 3.05 of the Listing Rules with effect from 21 July 2020. The Board announced that Ms. Lai Kuen has been appointed as the company secretary of the Company and the Authorised Representative with effect from 21 July 2020 and until the expiry of the term of the second session of the Board. Mr. Feng Xin has been the vice president of the Group since January 2017. From July 2017 to July 2020, Mr. Feng served as an executive Director of the company and was responsible for assisting the chief executive officer of the Company with business planning, overall management of property management and business development of the Group. Ms. Zhao Yu from July 2016 to June 2020, she was the vice president of Agile Holdings in Western China Region. Mr. Liu Jianrong has been the general manager of the internal audit department of the company since May 2018. Ms. Huang Zhixia has been the administrative manager of the Company since April 2015 and is responsible for administration. Ms. Lai Kuen joined the Group in September 2018 and is responsible for capital markets, investor relations, and information disclosure and company secretarial matters of the company.