Gwang-ja Song

Gwang-ja Song

Net worth: 36 M $ as of 2024-03-30

Known holdings in public companies

CompanyDateNumber of sharesValuationValuation date
2024-04-18 68,530 ( 0.73% ) 14 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-12-27 32,925 ( 0.73% ) 8 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-10-17 31,806 ( 0.73% ) 8 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-11-20 101,387 ( 0.48% ) 5 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-10-24 23,445 ( 0.62% ) 1 M $ 2024-03-30