Royal Wessanen nv announced the appointment of Patrick Mispoletto and the re-appointment of Rudy Kluiber and Ivonne Rietjens to its supervisory board. Patrick Mispolet (57) has the French nationality. His whole career has been with consumer goods both in France and abroad.

From 2006 to 2010, he was the CEO of Orangina Schweppes for France and Belgium, Patrick Mispolet is now a private investor in consumer-focussed businesses. Mr. Rudy Kluiber and Mrs. Ivonne Rietjens will be nominated for re-appointment. To avoid simultaneous retirement, Patrick Mispolet will be nominated for a four-year term, Rudy Kluiber for a three-year term and Ivonne Rietjens for a two-year term.

Rudy Kluiber will succeed Marjet van Zuijlen, who will leave the Supervisory Board (as of 14 April 2016), as member and chairman of the selection, appointment and remuneration committee with immediate effect.